All graduate school applications are considered for financial aid. Offers from faculty are typically funded by external grants, but please note not all faculty will be recruiting in a given recruiting cycle. We encourage you to include the faculty you are interested in working with in your personal statements and other inputs on the application. Financial aid comes in the form of GRA (Graduate Research Assistant), TA (Teaching Assistant), fellowships, or some combination. Please note that GRA/TA appointments are not guaranteed semester to semester as it depends on the changing needs of each faculty. 

Ph.D. students are typically offered a GRA assignment from faculty where M.S. students can apply to be a TA each semester. We encourage students to apply for a TA in our department as well as other departments (ex. Math, Physics, COE, etc.) to maximize the likelihood of receiving a TA assignment. Applications typically open Feb-April for the Fall semester for admitted students. Decisions are typically made mid-late May for the Fall Semester.

Students who receive a 20 hour GRA or TA will receive the Texas resident rate, Tuition Reduction Benefit (TRB), medical insurance, and a stipend. 

More information on fellowship opportunities is available on the Cockrell School's Graduate Funding page.

Other information on financial aid is available from Student Financial Services.